Selected to design Magabook Laus 2019

This year we have been chosen by the ADG-FAD to design the ADG-Laus Magabook. When we sat down to look for an idea for the Magabook, the first thing we did was look at everything around us in terms of books on design. We saw that, both in specialized publishers and in previous editions of Magabook, it is common to find very forceful and expressive graphic language. In that sense, the differentiation with respect to those books (which we like so much, by the way) had to come from using a more poetic concept, which graphically allowed us to be lighter and at the same time gave us application possibilities. At that moment, skin emerged as a concept capable of representing aspects so linked to design awards such as effort through sweat, emotion through bristly skin, uniqueness through the marks on the skin or the trajectory through the wrinkle.