Familia Suárez
ClientJr Suarez Monedero
Idea Honesty as a flag. A people’s brand that claims the people. This project is reunited with the authentic in a world of brands that try to be what they are not. JR Suárez is a family business located in Las Pedroñeras, the birthplace of the best garlic in Spain, Manchego garlic par excellence. How to make the real value of the brand visible?

The company has two main activities. On the one hand, it is dedicated to the commercialization of garlic in bulk for other companies that use it in their products and, on the other, it develops various product ranges that it sells both in retail and in HORECA. All their products focus on ingredients for any traditional recipe and garlic is the cornerstone on which they revolve.
To begin with, we made some decisions. The first, to change the name of the commercial brand from JR (initials of one of the brothers) to Familia Suárez (real family name). A name that does justice to what the brand really is, a family business.
And the second, to reorganize the entire product portfolio into different ranges, unifying everything around a single monolithic brand that supports all retail and HORECA products. And if we are talking about a family brand, of honest people, why use the family members themselves as spokespersons for the brand? A transparent brand of people who show their faces in their products.

We designed a website where the brand presents all its credentials and sells its products directly, and we closed the experience by designing a shipping box, designed to contain and protect any product in the family. From a pot of mojo, to the black garlic house, passing through a bottle of adobo. A little piece of La Mancha that knocks on your door.

To capture the essence of Familia Suárez, you had to go to the origin of garlic: Las Pedroñeras. Photography is a third leg of brand communication. A direct, documentary, honest style, openly.
We also developed the verbal part of the brand, looking for a close and familiar tone. When you take a Familia Suárez product home, you too are part of that small-big family. That is why, from Suárez they talk to you as if you already knew them.
LIKE INWe restructured the entire brand architecture, condensing and simplifying all the logos that were used indiscriminately into an umbrella brand that brought together all the sub-brands for different products and distribution channels: JR Suárez. FAMILY
We restructured the entire brand architecture, condensing and simplifying all the logos that were used indiscriminately into an umbrella brand that brought together all the sub-brands for different products and distribution channels: JR Suárez.