ILP Mar Menor
ClientILP Mar Menor
Idea The Mar Menor is the highest saltwater lagoon in Europe and the smallest sea in Spain. Located on the coast of the Region of Murcia, it is a natural treasure enjoyed by the inhabitants of the area and the thousands of tourists who visit it every year. Currently it is seriously threatened by an excess of nutrients in its waters (eutrophication) due to the impact of agricultural activity and urban pressure. An ecological and social crisis that, far from being resolved, highlights the failure of the current system of legal protection.

Through a collaboration agreement with the University of Murcia, we hosted a workshop together with the creatives Manel Quílez and Rafa Gil, in which together with advertising students from the university, we generated an idea capable of highlighting the problem of the Mar Menor and showing its solution.
The resulting idea for the spot was to search for the signature of the Mar Menor itself through its currents. To shape this idea we have the calligrapher Joan Quirós, who investigated the currents of the sea and interpreted them in a signature.

ADCE Silver Award One Page Website
ADG FAD Laus Silver Aporta
ADG FAD Laus Bronze One Page Website
ADG FAD Laus Bronze Non-Transactional Website
ADG FAD Laus Bronze Motion Graphics on Website

AWWWARDS Honorable Mention
The project has had the collaboration of more than 50 creatives who have worked pro bono for the campaign, the web, the spot and social networks.