Rubio y Del Amo Rubio y Del Amo

ILP Mar Menor


ILP Mar Menor

Idea The Mar Menor is the highest saltwater lagoon in Europe and the smallest sea in Spain. Located on the coast of the Region of Murcia, it is a natural treasure enjoyed by the inhabitants of the area and the thousands of tourists who visit it every year. Currently it is seriously threatened by an excess of nutrients in its waters (eutrophication) due to the impact of agricultural activity and urban pressure. An ecological and social crisis that, far from being resolved, highlights the failure of the current system of legal protection.

Project management Rubio & del Amo
branding Guillermo Rubio
Graphic Design Guillermo Rubio y Julián Garnés
Type José Luis Beltrán
Editorial Design Julián Garnés y Roberto Navarro
Motion Gallut
Development Buas
Print Imnova
Creative Direction Rafa Gil, Manel Quilez, Guillermo Rubio y Julián Garnés
Copywriteing Rafa Gil, Celia Ponce Luna, Himera Sánchez Villatoro, José Manuel Bermúdez Fernándes, Alicia Sánchez Gutiérrez, Manel Quilez, Guillermo Rubio y Julián Garnés
Support Facultad de Comunicación y Facultad de Biología de la Universidad de Murcia
Art Direction Guillermo Rubio y Julián Garnés
Lettering Joán Quirós
Audiovisual Baikal
Camera operator Juan José Herbás
Color Raúl Soriano (MisterEstudio)
Sound Fernando Cano (El Hombre que Escucha)
Photo Fix Julián Garnés
Photography support Aita Salinas, Alex Lafuente, Alicia Molina, Andrea Glez, Isabel Meca, Julieta Varela, La Cámara Roja, Leafhopper, María Caparrós, Nestor Lisón, Sergio Legaz, Varios Fuegos Pequeños (Gustavo Alemán, Agus Bres, Amelia García)