A Place Both Wonderful and Strange
ClientFuego Books
Idea An anthology that brings together the work of 13 international photographers in a narrative that is both wonderful and strange, inspired by Twin Peaks and the work of David Lynch. The design of this photobook published by Fuego Books shows the concept of duality so present in the Lynchian universe . And it does so from something as primitive as the sensory experience of its covers, through the contrast of simultaneously touching the roughness of sandpaper and the softness of red velvet, both a visual icon of the series.

« «The bet of Fuego books has paid off. The book is engaging, with no weaknesses that might have led to losing perspective. In fact, it remains as a whole in the formal that, the truth, I did not expect. It's definitely due to the smart decisions that have been made regarding which artists to involve»
Jörg Colberg Writer and photographer

The cover design is a metaphor that serves as a prelude to the narrative generated within through the work of authors Anna Beeke, Carl Bigmore, Melissa Catanese, Cristina de Middel, Salvi Danés, Enrico Di Nardo + Valentina Natarelli, Antone Dolezal, Philippe Fragniere, Jason Fulford, Rory Hamovit, Sara Palmieri, and Sarah Walker.

«"What do I remember from Twin Peaks? The feeling of dread coming from banal rooms. Not being able to smell or taste the coffee on the screen. Shaky, confused faces»
David Campany Writer, artist and curator. Author of the prologue of the book.

The project has had the collaboration of professionals such as Eduardo Nave in the preprint or the editorial assistance of Agus Bres and Pascual Martínez from underphoto who, together with the work of the editor, Gustavo Alemán, have developed a masterful layout of the images, generating a disturbing story. and balanced where the rhythms maintain that very Lynchian ambiguity between the normal and the extraordinary.
The book has been reviewed in important publications such as Conscientious Photo Magazine or Gabriela Cendoya. You can purchase A PLACE BOTH WONDERFUL AND STRANGE at Fuego Books.